Thursday, January 22, 2009

New toy....

I ended up with an Ipod Touch. I went to Circuit City this week to see the "bargains". Not many of those yet. The discounts are 10%. The secret is when retailers decide to liquidate, they immediately bump prices to the msrp and begin discounting from there. It's not really a deal until about 25 to 30% kicks in. The one exception is Apple products (like my new Touch) which are almost never discounted. I spotted the display Touch (the last one in the store) and got it for an "open box" discounted price. A good deal. I really want it for the video capability, gaming and photo display. It's next to useless as an email gadget, as you need wi-fi for any updated information. I have also packed it with music and the 8 gb is twice the storage of the hand-me-down Nano that once belonged to my Dad. So, the new challenge is to figure out how everything works and see how it's best used. I'll keep you "posted". Pun intended.

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