Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Not snow

Big anticipation here about possible snow or something like it. This morning, it might be a mix of snow and rain=slush. Much ado about nothing and that's how it usually plays out in Richmond. Growing up in western MD I always have to laugh about this. When I first came to R-town I drove a little Nissan Sentra and never had occasion to not be able to make it to work. Remember, I go to work at o-dark-thirty and many times roads are not fully treated when I am out the door. Now that so many people drive suv's you would think the anxiety would be less. Not. After some years of driving a 4 wheel drive jeep, I am back to driving a front wheel drive go-kart (Versa) and figure I will still be able to get to work. That is, unless we get a foot and the Nissan bottoms out!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

New toy....

I ended up with an Ipod Touch. I went to Circuit City this week to see the "bargains". Not many of those yet. The discounts are 10%. The secret is when retailers decide to liquidate, they immediately bump prices to the msrp and begin discounting from there. It's not really a deal until about 25 to 30% kicks in. The one exception is Apple products (like my new Touch) which are almost never discounted. I spotted the display Touch (the last one in the store) and got it for an "open box" discounted price. A good deal. I really want it for the video capability, gaming and photo display. It's next to useless as an email gadget, as you need wi-fi for any updated information. I have also packed it with music and the 8 gb is twice the storage of the hand-me-down Nano that once belonged to my Dad. So, the new challenge is to figure out how everything works and see how it's best used. I'll keep you "posted". Pun intended.

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Pretty happy that I will see my only nephew today. He is a great guy and training to be an Army helicopter pilot. His graduation is set now for March. It scares me to death that he will be in "harms way". I know it's what he wants, but can't help but consider "what if". The U.S. will be in Iraq and Afghanistan for some time, no matter the White House occupant. "W" got us into this and it will take time to get out. I say my prayers on this-all the time.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Two Books

I finished the new bio of John Lennon-"The Life"-by Philip Norman and "Soul Picnic" on the life of Laura Nyro. Two very different musicians. Both books were rigorously researched and lovingly written. Lennon became easier to like in his later years, though always talented. Nyro's path took her to less writing and recording and more focus on being a single mother. Both died way too young: Lennon at the hands of a crazed fan, Nyro from ovarian cancer. It makes me wonder what Nyro would have done in her later years, when her son would have been older and less demanding of her time. She really was doing some great work prior to her death and, from everyone quoted in the book, was a lovely and gentle soul. Lennon was going in a more gentle and less manic direction than some of the work he did right after the Beatles split up.  I recommend both books, if you are interested in musicians, music or pop culture.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Thoughts on adventure

More adventure is what I need. Heck, it's what everyone needs. I realized this when my Dad was dying of cancer last year. He was talking on the phone with his "black sheep" of the family older brother: Dad was 81. His brother 88. My father was always the responsible one: a salesman, living the suburban life and playing by the rules. His brother was the opposite: he worked at various jobs. Busted up his marriage by having affairs. Built my talented cousin her own painting studio and allowed her never to have to work a real job-she simply developed her painting talent. He rode motorcycles and built and flew small planes. He built a house in Alaska where he and his girlfriend flew in and out on a float plane he built. You get the idea. My father says to his brother, "... in many ways brother, you have outlived me". I was floored and a lightbulb went off. It's not how long you live, but how you live. At that point I knew I had to put together my own "bucket list" full of things I wanted to do NOW! So, here we go. I am learning to dive in February and will do my open water qualification dives in Belize. I am going to sail with my sister and brother-in-law on their 42 foot sail boat in March and am looking to buy a 4x4 to throw a kayak in the back and head to the river.  What my father said rings in my ears. I need to let that inform my life going forward.