Sunday, November 15, 2009


I think for any female growing up in the late 60's and early 70's Joni Mitchell was a touchstone. More for some than for others. I was one who knew of her, but really "found" her in the early 70's and never looked back. I sat down last night and did the Netflix "Roku" stream thing of "Woman Of Heart And Mind", a documentary on Mitchell's career. It uses interviews with her at different points in her career and appears to have had her cooperation, at least on some levels. It is, however, pretty blunt about some of her, shall we say, less popular choices. I'm thinking some of the jazz -influenced work and when she refused to be pigeon-holed into the "blonde hippie goddess" thing and broke out into experimental grooves-like "Hejira" and other work. Her pregnancy and choosing to give up her child for adoption are discussed and she comments on the "Little Green" saga-so her flaws aren't glossed over. It's a fairly revealing film and includes lots of concert footage I had not seen before and I count myself as a "Joni-phile". The conversations with Graham Nash are revealing and I had not seen him discuss her at any great length before. I didn't know what to expect of the film going in, but ended up entertained, intrigued and informed.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Ted Kennedy

It irks me when I hear people joke about the death of Ted Kennedy. He was a flawed human being, as we all are. His flaws turned fatal for Mary Jo Kopechne, so many years ago. Since then, it seems he turned his life toward public service, but even more so toward the service of those not so fortunate to come from a rich, powerful family.

The next time you or someone you love needs Cobra insurance coverage, thank Ted. When you see your daughters playing sports in school thank Ted Kennedy for Title 9. S-chip insurance for kids? Ted. There are many other pieces of legislation he was central to making law that touch our lives everyday. So the next time someone asks what all the fuss is about over the death of Ted Kennedy, you will know the truth. He truly was a politician interested in improving the lives of us, ordinary Americans. I wish more were like him.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

DIving Lake Rawlings and Key West

I went diving this week at Lake Rawlings, a "scuba park" off I-85. It's south of here and about an hour away. I dove with my friend, Debi, who is a divemaster and with two other folks, both members of the Richmond Dive Club. It was lovely to be underwater again.

I find that I am still pretty lousy at setting up my equipment. That may be more a function of not doing it very often. Familiarity is something that will only come with time.

A trip to Key West in October is ahead. I'll try to get in a couple days of diving and hope to dive the USNS Vandenberg. The ship, recently sunk off KW, is now the world's second largest artificial reef. Really looking forward to that.

As I look forward, I think diving may be the thing that allows me to meet "like minded" people-a community, if you will. That can't be a bad thing. I am chasing my "bliss".

Wish me luck!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Got it....

The bike is mine. An '06 Yamaha 650 Classic. Sweet bike. Now, to be confident enough to ride it for hours on end. That may take some time. I am so constantly aware of what other people on the road are doing. I figure achieving some comfort level takes time. I am willing to wait for that to happen for me and to not let fear (of anything!) lead me and make my decisions for me. Keep your fingers-crossed for me!

Monday, April 27, 2009

This will be short! I did it. I passed the BRC and have my motorcycle license. It was super-challenging. One woman dropped out on the first day of riding on the range. Another didn't pass the 50 question exam. One guy dropped a bike during the test. That's an immediate "fail". They take the bike and escort you off the course. Another woman missed a required "gate" and didn't make it. I did ok-not perfect, mind you, but I made it. Add to the whole thing that is was in the mid-90's both days for the riding portion, which was 5 plus hours on asphalt and on a motorcycle. Add to that the required attire of long pants, boots, long sleeves, gloves and a helmet and you get the picture: HOT! Anyway-I decided to drink lots of water and try to ignore it. It worked. I will buy a bike, but figure I will spend a lot of time on empty parking lots just working on my skills. Just because I have the license doesn't make me ready for roads and traffic. That's gonna take some time. Wish me luck.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Saving Grace

There are so many things to praise about TNT's "Saving Grace", I hardly know where to start. I thought it might be a flash in the pan at first. The second season (just underway) proves me wrong. It remains compelling, thought-provoking and fun. Not preachy, but gets the point across about the serious topics of life and how we choose to live it. I can't recall the last tv series that made me feel this way and that might be because it's unlike any show before it. Holly Hunter's Grace character is so genuine and so perfectly flawed that you feel like she is part you and part people you know. It won't be back until June, which gives you time to catch up by watching last season and the two new episodes that just aired. I am not a big tv watcher, but this one has me hooked.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

I live like a guy...

Amazing isn't it? My life revolves around work, gym, the Red Sox, books and art. Ok, so art isn't a real "guy" thing, but it just occurred to me that I live like a guy. What other woman (of a certain age) do you know who has just learned to scuba dive, is learning to ride a motorcycle, considering buying one and is booked for a weekend trip to Fenway? Not that there is anything wrong with that and I am not planning to change. It's just a bit of an epiphany. My comfort level is in the "simple" things that give me pleasure. I know this and it doesn't bother me now. I have spent too many years burying my true self and I think I am finally ready to stop doing that. I am now fully myself and, for maybe the first time ever, comfortable there.