Saturday, July 25, 2009

DIving Lake Rawlings and Key West

I went diving this week at Lake Rawlings, a "scuba park" off I-85. It's south of here and about an hour away. I dove with my friend, Debi, who is a divemaster and with two other folks, both members of the Richmond Dive Club. It was lovely to be underwater again.

I find that I am still pretty lousy at setting up my equipment. That may be more a function of not doing it very often. Familiarity is something that will only come with time.

A trip to Key West in October is ahead. I'll try to get in a couple days of diving and hope to dive the USNS Vandenberg. The ship, recently sunk off KW, is now the world's second largest artificial reef. Really looking forward to that.

As I look forward, I think diving may be the thing that allows me to meet "like minded" people-a community, if you will. That can't be a bad thing. I am chasing my "bliss".

Wish me luck!